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Primary Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in Apple Valley, CA and Victorville, CA

Primary Care Doctors Accepting New Patients in Apple Valley, CA and Victorville, CA

Are you looking for a primary care doctor in your area? Look no further as Dr. Shima Hadidchi MD is now accepting new patients. Contact us today to schedule an appointment online with the doctor now! We have convenient locations to serve you in Apple Valley, CA and Victorville, CA.

Are you looking for a primary care doctor in your area? Look no further as Dr. Shima Hadidchi MD is now accepting new patients. Contact us today to schedule an appointment online with the doctor now! We have convenient locations to serve you in Apple Valley, CA and Victorville, CA.
Are you looking for a primary care doctor in your area? Look no further as Dr. Shima Hadidchi MD is now accepting new patients. Contact us today to schedule an appointment online with the doctor now! We have convenient locations to serve you in Apple Valley, CA and Victorville, CA.

Primary Care Doctors Accepting New Patients Near Me in Apple Valley, CA and Victorville, CA
Primary Care Doctors Accepting New Patients Near Me in Apple Valley, CA and Victorville, CA

Table of Contents:

Where can I find out if a primary care doctor is accepting new patients?
What questions should I ask a doctor accepting new patients?
How often does a clinic accept new patients?
Does Dr. Shima Hadidchi MD accept new patients?

Where can I find out if a primary care doctor is accepting new patients?

The easiest way to start searching would be to start a google search, which can show you numerous primary care doctors that are in your designated area, and may be accept new patients. On top of a google search, the best way to confirm a primary care clinic is indeed accepting new patients, would be to call the clinic directly and ask if they are accepting new patients.
On top of that, you always have friends and family that can offer up their primary care doctors’ information, this is not the most accurate way of finding out if a new primary care doctor is accepting new patients, but it’s an alternative.
However, you are in luck with your search, as Dr. Shima Hadidchi MD is accepting new patients for his primary care clinic in Apple Valley, CA and Victorville, CA. Call us today or simply book an appointment online for a consultation for our clinic.

What questions should I ask a doctor accepting new patients?

The most important thing when visiting a new doctor is to be prepared and have ready a list of questions you need to discuss. When looking for a new primary care doctor, you are interviewing them as well as their clinic to make sure they are the best fit for you and your needs. Asking the doctor about themselves, and their practice can determine if they are going to be the best option for you before you become a patient.
Some important questions to ask a primary care doctor at your first initial visit could include:
How do you approach the patient-physician relationship at this clinic?
How does the clinic handle emergencies?
Am I able to call or email you with any non-emergency questions? If so, how long should I expect to wait for a callback?
How long should I expect to have to wait for an appointment with you after calling into schedule one?
If you are unavailable, am I able to see another physician in the clinic? If so, with who?
Do you keep paper or electronic medical records at this clinic?
Do you have any online resources available with additional information about the clinic, yourself, and the staff?
It’s best to be open and honest during each and every visit to a doctor, and if you don’t feel things are right, perhaps the communication style doesn’t work for you, or they are overworked or seem distracted, these are all valid reasons, and you should look elsewhere. At the end of the day, your doctor should be looking out for you and making sure you are their number one priority when you are working with them.

How often does a clinic accept new patients?

This will completely depend on each practitioner and their clinic as well as the patient load they can take on. Usually, primary care doctors will accept a certain number of patients that they know they can accommodate and not feel overwhelmed or overlook any patients due to the influx. If a patient moves away and finds another primary care doctor, or if a patient leaves the clinic for any other reason, an primary care doctor can then decide if they want to start accepting new patients at their clinic.
To find out if a primary care doctor near you is accepting new patients, it’s best to simply call the clinic and ask the front desk staff directly. There you can book an appointment with the internist if they are accepting new patients, and find out more information about the clinic by talking to the front desk staff or reviewing the clinic’s website.

Does Dr. Shima Hadidchi MD accept new patients?

Yes, Dr. Shima Hadidchi MD is accepting new patients at this time! Call us or simply book an appointment online today for a meet and greet consultation. Make sure to bring all of your medical information and past medical history as well as any questions you may have for our clinic to make the most of your appointment. We serve patients from Victorville CA, Apple Valley CA, Adelanto CA, Hesperia CA, Crestline CA, Highland CA, Barstow CA, and BEYOND!

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Locations of Dr. Shima Hadidchi MD Family Practice in Victorville, CA and Apple Valley, CA

Victorville, CA

Apple Valley, CA

  • 18112 Wika Rd, Suite 102, Apple Valley, CA 92307
  • View Details

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